A multidimensional journey with gay gurus Brewer & Berg
to the ReelHeART International Film Festival
The Canadian premiere of the film documentary, Out & About with Brewer & Berg – A Multidimensional Travelogue” to be celebrated at the 3rd annual ReelHeART International Film Festival in Toronto, Canada, June 18 - 23, 2007.
The voices of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons are often lacking in discussions of spirituality, religion and faith. While in recent years a new level of visibility has been achieved in many places, gay people remain excluded from most organized religions, if not outright condemned and even persecuted. The film documentary "Out & About with Brewer & Berg" follows two gay men on an odyssey to confront established religion and reclaim their spiritual identities.
Zurich, Switzerland, May 22, 2007 – “Out & About with Brewer & Berg” follows the multidimensional quest of Michael Brewer and Thomas Alan Berg through Switzerland and Italy as they explore and debunk old myths, paradigms and prejudices all the way to the gates of Vatican, where they discover and proclaim their own unique spiritual identities as gay men.
With the ongoing global debate on the roles of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in all aspects of society, from marriage, employment rights, education, politics and religion, there is a growing awareness of the unique contribution made by this ubiquitous yet underreported and misrepresented group of people. Gay people everywhere are seeking greater rights, more recognition and claiming their places in society, even at the risk of their lives. And like people everywhere, are seeking answers to questions that are universal in nature.
The catharsis of travel leads to captivating and entertaining dialogue in
"Out & About with Brewer & Berg” on subjects ranging from Jungian psychology, archetypes and mythology, through medieval castles and war, the sculpture and art of Rome, to epiphanies in the Forum and Coliseum. They discuss art and creativity at Niki de St. Phalle's sculpture garden in Tuscany and hold insightful conversations in Pisa all culminating is visions of a new paradigm on top of the Duomo in Florence. The humor of Brewer & Berg, the film’s entertaining graphics and quotes and powerful music track all underscore their often pointed and thought-provoking commentary.
Winner of the Audience Choice Award at the Aloha Spirit Film Festival at its premiere in Hawaii in September 2006, this joint Swiss/American production shows a side of gay culture rarely seen on film. Deep thinking, challenging, humorous and cultured, Brewer & Berg take their viewers on a multidimensional journey over the rainbow into a new sense of self-worth and potential. It’s an uplifting and encouraging view from an unexpected, fresh point of view; evocative for everyone whatever their sexual orientation.
ReelHeART International Film Festival
Often called the “filmmaker’s festival”, the ReelHeART International Film Festival has successfully filled the void left in the wake of increasingly narrow-themed and niche-centric film festivals. “This is a truly open and varied film festival,” says Shannonn Kelly, director of RHIFF. “Our niche is there is no niche.” Out & About with Brewer & Berg - A Multidimensional Travelogue will celebrate its Canadian premiere as part of the RHIFF Venue Program at Southern Accent Restaurant, 8:00 pm on Friday, June 22, 2007. Canapés, popcorn, lounge seating and travels to another dimension with Brewer & Berg all promise an evening not soon to be forgotten.