Feeling the tick of your biological clock? OUTLOOKS takes a look at the option of surrogacy and the changes it has brought to the lives of a few same-sex couples making the leap to parenthood. Could Toronto soon have an openly gay mayor? We speak with George Smitherman on his goals and ambitions for his campaign. Feeling the call of the open seas? Randall Shirley provides tips for your next gay cruise vacation. Looking for some great dining spots? See our Taste of Canada feature to find some of the best restaurants and hidden gems in the country. Plus; catch up with Candis Cayne, read our guide to fall entertaining, enjoy the photographic art of Mike Ruiz, and more!
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www.outlooks.caAlso, don't forget to take our big Gay Travel Survey! Tell us about your favourite gay travel destination in our 50 Gayest Places Survey and watch for the results of this unique survey in the upcoming December/January Double issue!