Canada’s most important HIV/AIDS fundraising and awareness event is the annual Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life. During the national event, cities and communities from across the country will host Walks to raise funds for local services and programming and to increase awareness about HIV/AIDS.
To date, more than half a million Canadians have participated in the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life from coast to coast to coast. Together, these Canadians have raised close to $28 million to support programs and services for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in their communities.
HIV/AIDS affects us all. There is no cure and no vaccine. We Walk for those who are no longer with us. We Walk to support those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. We Walk to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in our own communities. We all have our reasons. We hope that one day we won’t need to Walk any longer. Until then, the Walk will do us good.
Whatever your reason, join the fight against HIV/AIDS in your community and Walk. When you Walk and collect pledges for the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life, you are making a difference in the lives of those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in your community.
We encourage you to Walk, form a team, fundraise, donate, volunteer, or all of the above! And remember, all Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life proceeds support direct services for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in your community!
The Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life will take place across Canada from September 12—20, 2009. To support the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life in your community, please go to www.aidswalkforlife.ca
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