Back by popular demand, the original BRITISH INVASION has been pulled out from the Stage West vault. In 1962, we were all twisting and shouting to the sound of “Run Around Sue”, listening to the Beach Boys and dreaming of California. Two years later, four mop-haired boys from Liverpool landed in America and changed the landscape forever. Although the BEATLES may have led the invasion, the army was comprised of hundreds of foot soldiers… The Stones, Chad and Jeremy, Gerry and the Pacemakers, Cliff Richard, Petula Clark, Lulu, Dusty Springfield, and later Rod Stewart, Tom Jones, Elton John, Annie Lennox and many more. Let us take you on a magical mystery tour as we relive…again… the BRITISH INVASION.
British Invasion! is playing from Nov. 5, 2009 - Jan. 24, 2010, so don't miss your chance to groove again to your favorite music from right out of Britain! For more information on Stagewest Calgary, the full menu of their delicious buffet, and to make reservations, head to www.stagewestcalgary.com
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Have fun with the music is a great habits for entertaining in your moody time.
Music is the best way to express any kind of message, feeling, you name it, music reaches all parts of the world.
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