Following in the progressive footsteps of cities like New York, San Francisco, Toronto and Vancouver- Calgary celebrates queer women and fights to end oppression.
CALGARY, AB – Calgary artists and activists have come together to present the first ever Calgary Dyke March on Sunday, September 4th at 12:00PM.
Dyke Marches are common place in socially-progressive cities like New York, San Francisco, Toronto and Vancouver. The first documented Dyke March took place in Vancouver in 1981, and has since become an important event across the world. The event highlights issues of visibility and equality of queer women, while coming together as a community and celebrating our love and appreciation for the Dyke identity.
This year marks the first year that Calgary will number among the cities that have embraced this tradition and have recognized the importance of this event. Event Director Brianne Langille says, “A Dyke March isn’t a parade, it’s a demonstration. It gives dykes a visibility that is lacking in Calgary. We’re coming together to strengthen a community that requires public understanding to thrive.”
The first ever Calgary Dyke March will take place on September 4th, 2010 at Noon. The March will begin at Millennium Park on 11th St and 9th Ave SW and end at Century Gardens n 8th Av and 8th St SW. A rally will begin the march, including performances by some of Calgary’s best musicians and spoken word artists.
More information about the event can be found at www.calgarydykemarch.com.
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