Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Minneapolis Pride 2007

The 2007 Twin Cities Pride Festival was a HUGE success!!

Monday, June 25, 2007
Gays march in Jerusalem, rally scrapped, police arrest bomber

by Rex Wockner
Three thousand people marched in Jerusalem's gay pride parade June 21, protected by 8,000 police officers.
A man with a bomb was arrested before the parade began. He told police he planned to blow up some bushes to scare people away.
A post-parade rally was canceled, in part because firefighters were on strike and didn't provide a legally required fire truck.

Ultra-Orthodox opponents shouted at the marchers and tried to break through police lines. At least 18 counterprotesters were arrested.
The truncated parade traveled only about 500 meters.
The majority of anti-gay protesters were at a separate rally. They lit trash bins on fire, chanted psalms, blocked traffic and threw rocks at police.
March opponents also rioted several times in the days leading up to the parade, resulting in 130 arrests.
Gay activist Adam Russo, one of three marchers who were stabbed by an anti-gay protester at the 2005 parade, told the BBC: "We are all frightened but I'm here because of my right to protest. I will be not be shut down by anyone."
Meanwhile, in Berlin June 23, about 400,000 people turned out for pride. The march's focus was on discrimination in the workplace and schools. A parade in Athens, Greece, June 23 attracted 1,000 marchers and ended with a concert.
Canadian Province Launches 60-Second HIV Testing Blitz
(Toronto, Ontario) Ontario has become the first jurisdiction in North America to offer HIV tests that provide results in just 60 seconds and will double the number of sites across the province where anonymous tests are available, Health Minister George Smitherman announced Friday.
It will cost about $350,000 a year to have the HIV tests available at 50 sites, which Smitherman said is a small price to pay _ especially when it eliminates the agonizing three-week wait patients currently endure for results.
``I'm a gay man, and I'm one of those that has experienced that gut wrenching three-week wait,'' he said. ``Everybody remembers that wait, and accordingly, you can't put a price on it.''
The entire process with the new tests, which involves taking a drop of blood along with pre- and post-test counselling, takes about 20 minutes.
The tests will be available at anonymous testing sites, sexually transmitted disease clinics and community health centres across the province, including 24 new sites in northern and rural Ontario, but not through family doctors.
``This is an initiative that is linked to the anonymous testing sites,'' said Smitherman.
``If we look at the profile of HIV and AIDS, we really appropriately have to tailor our initiatives to reducing barriers for those at risk communities.''
With faster HIV-test results, patients who need treatment will get it faster, said Smitherman.
It's estimated that 30 per cent of people who are HIV positive are unaware of their status _ up to 15,000 Canadians _ and Smitherman said the 60-second point of care tests may help convince those reluctant to be tested to actually go to a clinic.
``Let's say that you are a closeted individual, or a bisexual . . . it's really, really crucial that we have the capacity not just to offer the testing, but to offer the pre- and post-supports,'' he said.
``It might be the health-care system's only shot at really getting it right with that individual.''
Frank McGee, co-ordinator of the province's AIDS Bureau, said he wants to reach those who are HIV positive but don't know it.
``We understand people may fear knowing the results,'' McGee said. ``But getting tested will help alleviate the anxiety and will make a difference in the effectiveness of treatment.''
The point of care HIV tests have been used on about 5,000 people in the past year at Toronto's Hassle Free Clinic, and proved a big hit with patients who wanted to find out their status.
``Client response has been overwhelmingly positive, with over 90 per cent of patients choosing rapid testing and expressing high satisfaction with the process and the technology,'' said clinic co-ordinator Jane Greer.
``This is a huge step forward in our ongoing response to HIV-AIDS in Ontario.''
The province said it wants to improve access to HIV testing in remote and rural communities, and hopes to have the 24 new anonymous testing sites in communities such as Kenora, Keewatin, Timmins, Leamington and Chatham, up and running by this fall.
Thanks to 365gay.com
Canadian Anglicans Step Back On Blessing Gay Unions

(Winnipeg, Manitoba) Canadian Anglicans inched closer towards blessing same sex unions, but stopped short of giving priests the power to perform ceremonies.
The Anglican Church of Canada agreed that same sex blessings do not conflict with its core doctrine, a decision that paves the way for the practice.
But ultimately, delegates voting Sunday at the General Synod rejected the idea of letting individual dioceses decide whether their priests could perform blessing ceremonies for same sex couples who were married in civil ceremonies.
``So on the one hand, we said it is a matter of doctrine, but not credal, that is, not essential to one's salvation, shall we say. But on the other hand, the church is not prepared... to proceed immediately with the blessing of same sex unions,'' said Archbishop-elect Fred Hiltz, who will be installed as the church's new primate Monday evening.
Supporters and opponents of same sex blessings call the decisions confusing.
``It is a very confusing message to be sending. It's taking with one hand and giving with the other,'' said Chris Aimbidge, President of Integrity Canada, a lobby group that supports same sex blessings.
Cheryl Chang, a spokeswoman for Anglican Essentials, a group lobbying against same sex blessings, said she believes confused and frustrated parishioners will start finding other churches immediately.
``People (will) leave to go to the Catholic church, the Baptist church, the Pentecostal church. That's going to happen starting next Sunday, or next Monday even,'' Chang said.
``These are decisions that are very confusing for the church, and ultimately, very divisive.''
Both resolutions were widely supported by both clergy and laity in Sunday's votes, but needed the support of the bishops in order to pass.
The bishops narrowly accepted the resolution on doctrine by just two votes. However, when it came to allowing same sex blessing ceremonies, the bishops voted 21 to 19 against the idea.
Though the church hasn't approved the practice, observers say the foundation has been laid for same sex blessings in Canada.
Some of the more conservative Anglican churches have already threatened the U.S. church with expulsion over its blessings of same-sex couples, so that's why opponents are concerned about Sunday's decisions.
``To do what they've done is to step apart from the worldwide Anglican communion,'' said The Rev. Canon Charlie Masters, the head of Anglican Essentials.
``This is a very sad day for Anglicans.''
The fear of a split from the worldwide Anglican church was one of the many reasons the decision proved difficult for some voters. Just hours before the final vote, Meghan Lofgren, a youth delegate from the diocese of Saskatoon, admitted she hadn't made up her mind.
``I don't even know what I'm going to vote right now,'' she said.
Others, like Rene Jamieson, were eager to make a decision. She urged fellow delegates to let each diocese decide on whether priests could perform same-sex blessings.
Jamieson said the lengthy discussions on the issue mean they're not focusing on problems like poverty.
``I want you to vote in favour of this resolution so we can get on with the work of the church,'' she told delegates.
The Anglicans' vote follows a similar one by Canada's Evangelical Lutheran Church, held Saturday in Winnipeg.
Canadian Evangelical Lutherans are in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada, meaning ordained ministers can officiate in either church. Similarly, baptized members can transfer between the two churches.
With roughly 180,000 members, the Evangelical Lutherans form the largest Lutheran denomination in Canada.
The Anglicans' decision Sunday came after two days of debate. Initially, the vote was scheduled for Saturday night, but instead of debating the issue, delegates spent hours wrangling over procedural issues.
The General Synod is held once every three years.
by The Canadian Press
Iran in Toronto Pride Parade 2007

by Darya
June 24, 2007
Toronto’s annual Pride Parade is not only the biggest in Canada, but also one of the biggest in the world. The event honours diverse sexual and gender identities, histories and cultures. This year’s Pride Parade, held on a beautiful Sunday afternoon of June 24th, culminated a week of gay pride activities all over the city that featured over 600 artists in a free outdoor multidisciplinary arts festival. This year’s International Grand Marshall was Rossana Flamer-Caldera, co-secretary of ILGA (International lesbian and Gay Association) who also works as a queer activist in Sri Lanka as a founding member of the organization Equal Ground. This year Pride Toronto decided to highlight eight countries where queers face persecution in the form of torture, punishment, or the death penalty. The eight chosen countries were Iran, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Belarus, Russia, Jamaica and Honduras. Carrying their respective flags, representatives of each country marched at the head of the Parade just behind Rossana, showing the world t

Friday, June 22, 2007
Jason Wahler: I'm Not at all Racist or Homophobic

Former Laguna Beach star Jason Wahler speaks out about his April arrest (his fourth in nine months) for trespassing and assault in which Wahler exposed himself as a racist bigot:
"I'm embarrassed as hell, but I really do not remember my arrests. They're blackouts. And that's scary. In Seattle, the guy I allegedly called that (racist name) wasn't even black. I'm not at all racist or homophobic. I was just completely obliterated. My parents were devastated. They kept pushing for me to get help, but I still didn't think I had a drinking problem - until I went home. When I was away from L.A., sober, not surrounded with random people, I finally realised, 'I'm killing myself.'"
Canadian Gay Travel Market
Canadian Gay Travel Market
$9.4 Billion Annually
83% of gay Canadians believe Canada “goes out of its way” for gay travelers
(Toronto, ON) June 22 -- The Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce announced today, the findings of Canada’s first lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified (LGBT) travel study showing a market size of $9.4 billion annually. An estimated market of 1.8 million gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender travelers spent on average $1,166 per trip last year. The study determined the size of the Canadian gay travel market at $5.4 billion in Canada; $2.4 billion traveling in the US and $1.7 billion elsewhere.
The study also found that 83% of gay travelers believe Canada to be a place that goes out of its way to welcome gay travelers. Canada was ranked highly along with Netherlands, Australia, Great Britain and France.
The study, conducted by the Bay Charles Consulting Company, surveyed Canadian LGBT travelers through early 2007. When compared to the general travel market the following was found:
· LGBT travelers spend nearly twice as much per trip ($1,166 vs. $627) as their straight counterparts.
· LGBT travelers are almost twice as likely to go on vacation or leisure trips than the general public.
· LGBT travelers are more likely to travel in the winter (23% of trips occurring during this time frame compared to 14% of the general public.
Laurence Bernstein the Managing Partner of Bay Charles Consulting Company says “This study confirms that there is a pent-up demand for increased travel within Canada among the gay community. This business could help to compensate for the loss of business coming to Canada from the US.”
“The domestic LGBT market is an important one for Canada,” said Bruce McDonald of the Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. “Gay travellers’ travel more frequently, spend more per trip and are more likely to travel in the off-season than the mainstream market,” he added.
The Chamber’s research substantiates other research that has been conducted on gay travel, an important market identified by federal, provincial and regional tourism stakeholders. However, for McDonald the critical findings are the domestic market’s size.
“For much of the Canadian tourism market, the gay market is still undeveloped and an untapped market. This research demonstrates that the domestic gay market is a force in itself,” said McDonald. “At $5.4 billion dollars in Canada, gay travelers have significant impact. Certainly when we include gay travelers from the US and other countries, the market size becomes even more significant,”
McDonald points to the fact that gay travelers perceive Canada as a place that goes out of its way for gay travelers as an opportunity for the tourism sector.
“Now is the time for businesses and destinations to invest in marketing initiatives and product development targeting gay travelers” he added.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Ready To Rodeo?
Style News - Is Tom Ford Courting Anderson Cooper?

It's rare that two of my favorite leading men are mentioned in the same gossip, but an interesting HuffPo story says that Tom Ford is trying to woo CNN hottie Anderson Cooper to be the frontman for a new fragrance that he's launching this summer. It could all be rumor and conjecture, but the boys were spotted having lunch last month at The Four Seasons, as our hot sister Popnography reported. But, HuffPo says Cooper declined because "He's made promises to people that he'll return to Iraq, the Sudan, and Indonesia, and has no time for jobs on the side [Ed: I love a man who sticks by his word!]. Ford immediately sweetened the deal by offering to send Cooper's salary to charities in Africa." Oh, that Tom is such a sweet-talker!
From Out.com Blog
World News - UK teacher sentenced in affair with student
Thamesbridge College drama teacher David Le Brocq, 30, was found guilty Monday of having a six-month sexual relationship with his pupil, Karl Donaldson.
The relationship began when Donaldson was 15, but the two claim they didn't have sex until Donaldson's 16th birthday, a decision that was approved by the boy's mother, Donna Stacey.
Le Brocq found himself in court in October 2006, but the jury failed to come to a verdict. A new jury convicted him to a year in prison at Oxford Crown Court in a retrial that began last month.
Judge Anthony King was relatively forgiving when he addressed Le Brocq, saying that it was "perfectly apparent" that there was a mutual attraction.
"Sadly, though, this case is a classic example of a substantial and serious breach of trust," the judge said.
"I am wholly satisfied that this is not one of those cases where an adult has acted in a predatory, grooming way toward a young person," King added.
The court heard that the pair began the relationship when Donaldson passed a note to his teacher with his cell-phone number on it. While drinking at a party, Le Brocq called Donaldson and confessed his love in February 2004.
The pair then began meeting regularly at Le Brocq's flat in Dorset. It was even reported that Le Brocq was introduced to the boy's mother as his boyfriend, which she actively encouraged.
Their relationship ended when Le Brocq told his young lover that he had fathered another colleague's child.
Prosecutor Alan Blake told jurors that Donaldson "loved David Le Brocq and his mother wanted him to be happy. The evidence is that there was a mutual infatuation between them."
He acknowledged that "Le Brocq exercised some restraint in not allowing matters to progress too far physically before the boy's 16th birthday."
The relationship came to light and police were notified when Donaldson's younger sister spoke about the affair to a teacher.
Donaldson, now 19, said of Le Brocq's sentencing: "I am glad it is now all over and I do not have to worry about anything now.
"I have not been in touch with him since we broke up and just want to forget about what happened and get on with the next chapter in my life."
His mother added, "We did not choose to go through any of this.
"My son just fell in love with the wrong person and it was his first relationship, but he is much stronger for it and has moved on."
Prior to the scandal, Le Brocq won many awards and was praised for his work in the school. He was even nominated for National Teacher of the Year award after three months in the profession by the pupils, teachers and parents. (Hassan Mirza, Gay.com U.K.)
News From Ottawa
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Toronto Aims To Be Gay Tourism Capital

Tourism Toronto said Friday it has launched a ``Gay Marketing Advisory Group'' comprised of 12 local community leaders that will help sell the city to foreigners.
``The gay travel market is one of the fastest-growing segments and is a $55 billion industry. This represents a major opportunity for Toronto,'' said David Whitaker, president and CEO of Tourism Toronto.
``Toronto offers a great deal to gay visitors, who tend to travel more

The tourism board said it has boosted its marketing budget designated to gay travelers by 50 per cent to $300,000, targeting cities like New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Plans include buying advertising in restaurants, bars and local gay publications, as well as sponsoring events.
Tourism Toronto said that research has found that U.S. gay travelers are far more likely to hold passports. The board said that 71 per cent of travelers that identified themselves as gay held a valid passport, almost three times the U.S. average of 24 per cent.
Last year more than a million people celebrated gay pride in Toronto
Hayden Christensen: 'I Am Not Gay!'

He also talked about how he forced the directors to do extra takes of his kissing scenes with his co-star, Natalie Portman, by doing a thumbs-up at the camera. Laughing, he said "They would be like, 'You have to stop doing that Hayden! Now we have to do the whole scene again.' I'd be like, 'Fine'."
Geez.. Hayden, come out already.
Monday, June 18, 2007

Real World (and all those damn challenges) alum Coral, one of the shows' most popular characters has come out as a lesbian.
Such a late bloomer!
Welcome to the gayborhood, boobylicious.
Happy Pride Saskatoon!!!
Megan Morman in our July edition!!!
Small Island, Huge Pride

Small Island, Huge Pride
by Peter Steele
Pride Cape Breton announces its annual Pride Week festivities slated for August 11th to 18th, an eight day festival packed with events, which will cater to the island’s gay, lesbian and bisexual community, as well as visitors from across Canada and the United States.
The Pride Cape Breton Society is Cape Breton’s first and only provincially registered organization dedicated solely to the well-being and unity of the island’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community.
This year’s Pride Week festival, Out With Friends, will be held following Sydney’s annual Action Week events. Usually held in July, August has been a typical time when many ex-Cape Bretoners return home to visit, so the post-Action Week festival is a more appropriate time for them to enjoy the many events our festival offers.
The Cape Breton Regional Municipality Council has proclaimed Pride Week 2007 with its usual unanimous support, expressing that every person is entitled to be treated with dignity. We welcome all former Cape Bretoners, and all fellow Canadians to join us as we celebrate Cape Breton Island’s vast diversity, and the warm gracious friendliness we Islanders are known for.
For details of Pride Week festivities and monthly events, visit us at
This year’s Pride Week theme is Out With Friends, and kicks off Saturday, August 11th with Midnight Bowling at Sydney’s Heather Lanes beginning at 9:30pm. This event has proven to be a great way to bring both the gay and straight communities together for a fun-filled evening. In the past, this has also proven to be a great fundraiser. Tickets are $10. each, and tickets will be sold during the night for a chance at the prize wheel. Free pizza is also on the menu!
Our annual Pride Parade takes place Sunday, August 12th at 1pm. The parade will travel through the downtown area ending at Louisa Field in Sydney’s northend for our post-parade party. A free bar-b-que and games for children will highlight the afternoon. Any organizations wishing to take part in our parade, or set up a kiosk at Louisa Field is asked to be in touch with us.
Monday night, August 13th will see Miss Onya Inya back by popular demand as she hosts this year’s instalment of Gay Bingo at the Southend Community Centre. For a night of hilarity and great prizes, this event is not to be missed. Bingo cards are just $1. each, and the games begin at 9pm.
On Tuesday, August 14th we host our Movie Night at the Southend Community Centre. Three movies will be offered for screening beginning at 6:30pm. Admission is free, and our first movie will be for all ages, with the final two for those 19 years and older.
On Wednesday night, August 15th, it’s our annual MusicFest and Pub Night at the Southend Community Centre. Come out and enjoy the sounds and talents of some of Cape Breton Island’s most talented performers. Admission is by donation.
On Thursday, August 13th, the Southend Community Centre will be the center for an afternoon and evening of Family Fun. There’ll be games, prizes, refreshments and entertainment for the whole family.
On Friday, August 17th we’ll host our annual Beach Party beginning at 2pm. This year’s gathering will take place at Morrison Beach near Framboise. Bring your beach chairs and your sunscreen, and we’ll supply the marshmallows! Maybe we can even help apply that sunscreen for you!
On Saturday night, August 18th we wrap up the week’s events with our annual Pride Dance at the Horizon Achievement Centre in Sydney. Beginning at 9pm and running until 2pm, admission is just $6., and door prizes will be given out throughout the night.
Please check out our website, www.pridecapebreton.com for more details of our events, including maps to the various venues. Be sure to check our site regularly to see what we’re up to throughout the year. While you’re there, check out our message board; your comments are always welcomed!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Eurocreme wins 9 European Gay Movie Awards!
Dallas Makes PlanetOut Travel’s Best Domestic Destinations List

“Sprawling, southern and resolutely Texan, as American Airlines and Southwest Airlines.
Live Large. Think Big.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Gay and Lesbian Inclusive Advertising Award Winners Announced!
Isaiah Speaks OUT about being fired

Isaiah Washington has been quite quiet since he got fired from the hit show Grey's Anatomy, but now he is finally speaking OUT.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How are you feeling about what happened last week? Did you think it was fair?
ISAIAH WASHINGTON: I don't know if it's a question of ''fair.'' I'm saddened by the outcome. I did everything that the producers and the network asked me to do. I came back under great duress and stress, and thought I was doing the job I was hired to do. I thought that was going to speak for my future at Grey's, but apparently that wasn't the same vision that the network and studio had for me.Why do you think the decision was made by ABC? Was Grey's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes happy about it?
I knew she was aware of the decision. But you have to understand that she's at the helm of one of the top-rated scripted shows on television.
Were you in touch with Shonda after you were fired?
She called me on Thursday of last week [June 7] and told me that I would not be returning to the show. Just like she personally called me and invited me to the show. It was full circle.There are rumors you may file a lawsuit against ABC.
I don't know anything about that.
Have you heard from many of your castmates?
No. Everyone is still on vacation. I don't expect to hear from my castmates. I did talk to Chandra Wilson and I got a text message from Kate Walsh. Everyone's doing their own thing. People are still trying to enjoy their summer before they get back to the grind. I think a lot of people are out of the country. I'm still getting calls from people discovering that this change has occurred.Would you consider you and T.R. Knight to be on good terms?
I don't know. You have to ask T.R. that.
Would you be open to cameo on Grey's?
If Shonda calls me and says, ''Look we want you to do something for Grey's Anatomy'' I probably would not hesitate. But I don't really see that happening.
How do you think this is going to affect your career?
I'm working right now [on the indie film, The Least of These]. I can only take one day at a time. I can only apologize so many times. I can only accept so much responsibility. All the players involved have taken care of what we needed to take care of in-house -- and the media took it in a different direction. I hope that everyone is happy for the outcome for Isaiah, but Isaiah will go on and do what I love to do. And I have to go about the business of letting people know what's written about me is not the truth. I'm merely an actor, a husband, and a father who's trying to do a great job and be very grateful and understanding that I'm in a very privileged position. This isn't a time for me to be looking back; it's only a time for me to be looking forward. I just hope people can understand in the industry and otherwise that it's a horrible misunderstanding what transpired with our show and it was blown out of proportion. If the naysayers out there feel that some justice has been served and that they're happy with the outcome, so be it. It's incumbent on me to take what I do, do it well, grow from the experience, and move on.
Do you have any concerns about being labeled as difficult as an actor?
Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to address a lot of that down the road. It'd be very cleansing for my soul to let the fans and the general public see a side of me that I feel was horribly represented in the press.
What type of offers have you received?
I've gotten a ton of offers in both film and TV, and now my agent Ben Press and I are just sorting through all the options. There is one network in particular that's very interested. But I don't want to say anything specific until it's a done deal.
Would you work with ABC again?
[Laughs] I don't know. That's up to ABC.
Edmonton Pride Parade June 16th

Beginning at 2 PM, the parade will be starting at 108 St and Jasper Ave. Moving East along Jasper Ave, the parade will turn North on 99 St before coming to a stop at Churchill Square.
For The Edmonton Pride Week Event Calendar visit
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
It's About Time!

Well, well, well. We all new this was coming. Welcome to the family!
David Hyde Pierce (aka Niles on Frasier) has officially fallen out of the closet. The actor has pretty much kept his private life on the down low for most of his career was outed in a recent article on CNN.
"He worked at Playwrights Horizons, the Public Theater, Shakespeare in the Park and a lot of regional theaters such as the Guthrie in Minneapolis, Chicago's Goodman and Long Wharf in New Haven, Conn. Pierce got to Los Angeles in the early 1990s when his partner, actor-writer-producer Brian Hargrove, wanted to write for television."
The CNN article is actually about his stage life and is about a trillion paragraphs long, so the "outing" is somewhat hidden. His reps have indeed confirmed that Brian and David are a couple!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Music Is Back!
I thought we were going to be in the never-ending doom of the pop princesses but these girls changed my mind! Check it out!
Air Canada Dumps Gay Pride

Looks like, the Vancouver Gay pride parade is searching for sponsors and is in a financial bind this year.
I note that on the Vancouver Pride site that Vancity is a sponsor, however, Air Canada has dropped them, the Toronto pride fest, and the Montreal pride fest, as well as a number of arts festivals.
Also IKEA, Hewlett-Packard and Wet Lubricants have all cut funding. John Boychuk, president of the Vancouver Pride society, says the parade is facing a shortfall of $25,000 to $30,000. That is a substantial chunk of its $100,000 budget, enough that next year's parade is in doubt. This year's parade has enough money to go ahead, although the number of events has been pared down.
Toronto's Pride Week fundraising also was hurt by Air Canada's pullout, with lost deals for free air travel for artists coming to the festival. "We don't get a financial contribution, but it's a significant investment in what we need to run the festival," said Fatima Amarshi, executive director of Pride Toronto.IKEA had already withdrawn as a sponsor of the Toronto event before this year, but major sponsors such as Labatt's and TD Canada Trust have stuck around, helping to offset this year's $1.4-million operating expenses.
Air Canada spokeswoman Angela Mah is apparently “disappointed” that the Vancouver Pride society has raised the matter in public. Yeah, I’ll just bet you are; Air Canada would have liked to keep that one quiet (D.Q.)
That’s Right the roof is gone – they’re going TOPLESS!
Tops and Bottoms TOPLESS is the perfect comedy night for the patio culture of
Bob Loblaw Queer Comedy Troupe present Tops and Bottoms TOPLESS – patio comedy every Wednesday nights at 8pm at the Jupiter Café 1216 Bute St. Tickets are $8 and can be reserved at 604-609-6665.
Calgary Pride
Friday, June 8, 2007
Fun? In Lethbridge?

Thursday, June 7, 2007
True Colors Interview: Margaret Cho's Gay Agenda

Margaret Cho may be the most queer-friendly comedian on the planet. Sure, she’s married, but she self-identifies as queer, and has been one of the gay community’s biggest cheerleaders for more than a decade. And yes, she’s got her own bisexual past, which she’s made no shortage of jokes and told stories about. One my favorite of Cho’s old nuggets? “I’m not gay. I’m not a lesbian. I’m just slutty. Where’s my parade?”
Face it: Margaret Cho is basically every color of the rainbow, and she always sticks up for the gays. No big surprise then that the always festive comic/author/ blogger/activist/designer/actor is on the line-up for Cyndi Lauper’s super-gay True Colors tour. Ms. Cho is gonna act as emcee, but she may also do a bit of rocking out on her own... Have you seen her video for “My Puss”? Ready for the live version?
To get prepped for this Friday’s True Colors tour kick-off in Las Vegas, I emailed the Notorious C.H.O. a barrage of questions about the big show. She fired back and the sassy results are as follows:
So why did you choose to sign on for the True Colors tour?
Cyndi asked me! And I am a huge fan and couldn't possibly say no to her...
And obviously, you’re loved by gays and you’re a fan of killer music...
Yes, I love all the people on the bill. In fact, I’ll be sharing a tour bus with the Dresden Dolls!
What else prompted you to participate?

It is a wonderful cause—a huge tour dedicated to ending discrimination of all kinds. I just love that!
People are truly excited about the line-up for this tour? Why do you think that is?
Because it is amazing! All these great people who I would go see separately, but they are all together. It’s like my own personalized Ozzfest!
Thanks to LOGOonline
July Edition Advertising Deadlines
Montreal woman refused service at gay bar says rights violated
A woman who says she was refused service at a Montreal gay bar because she isn't a man will have her case investigated by the Quebec Human Rights Commission.
Audrey Vachon says she filed the complaint after the staff at Le Stud, in Montreal's gay village, refused to serve her.
A Quebec woman is taking Montreal's gay bar "Le Stud" to the human rights commission for refusing to serve her because she isn't a man.
(Corinne Smith/CBC)
Vachon, 20, says she and her father, Gilles Vachon, had stopped in at Le Stud on a quiet afternoon recently to kill some time when a waiter came over and told him the bar doesn't serve women.
“He asked us to leave," she told CBC's French-language service. "We said it’s illegal to discriminate like that. But we didn’t have much time to argue. We just left.”
The young student from Longueuil on Montreal's South Shore says she was humiliated. If a homosexual was refused service, she says, she would be the first to stand up for his rights.
Michel Gadoury, the bar's owner, says that with the exception of “women’s night,” his establishment has always enforced a men-only policy.
“I have a clientele to respect. And the clientele demands a masculine environment. So we make sure it’s masculine,” he said Wednesday.
Jason Knight