Wednesday, July 1, 2009

WORLD OF WARCRAFT players celebrate their pride!
Not only is it Gay Pride Season allover the world, but in another realm of Monsters, Zombies, Warriors, Warlocks, Spiders, Bears and almost any creature imaginable, The 5th Annual Proudmore US Server Gay Pride Parade breaks its previous record of attendance and excitement!

This years WoW Pride showcased floats sponsored by internal server organizations such as Silvermoon City with 'The Real Houseboys of Silvermoon City" Float; Dykes on Bikes proudly struts the "Go Girl!" Float. Other great floats include "Battlebots", and "Preists with Pompoms" and the "Proudmoore Divas".

Here is a video illustrating just how fun and serious this really gets. They have come a long way in 5 years!

Proudmoore is a GLBT server hosted in the US realms. So if you wanna get your geek on, and have a little fun digital style, check it out!
The Information for downloading the software and purchasing memberships is all found at

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